Sunday, December 9, 2018



     I was waiting so long for the day t o come since I became a year 5 (at the start of the year), I couldn't get to sleep the last night(Wednesday),all I was thinking was the great time I was going to have at camp!

After the teachers explained the rules and who was going in what car we were finally on the road in our cars (I was with Mia and her mum Anna, Juliet, Max and Layla). One hour had passed and we Just made It at the big camp. The lodge was a lot bigger than I thought and the views were stunnighs you were looking down onto the beautiful beach in the camp which was covered by tull grassy hills. Everyone was curious to see there cabins were they were sleeping, I was in one of the four outdoor cabins which was good because they were the biggest.  After we unpacked our bags and chose what bunk bed we were sleeping on our first task finally arrived. I was so excited and I don't think I was the only one, everybody was talking about our first activity, Our first activity was Mountain Boarding and My brother (who was at camp when he was in year 5 2 years ago) said Mountain boarding was the best because you were on this board with 4 wheels and a break and you go down a hill very fast, you can turn left and wright by leaning ford or back.

“That was Awesome!” I said to monty on the way to our next activity, indoor archery. Once we made it to indoor archery everyone was ready to start shooting the arrows, although no one knew how to luckily our instructor went threw the different parts of the bow and how to aim and fire the arrow we could start. “Pew!” the arrows shot as fast as a lamborghini onto the target board, well that was after our first attempt that went everywhere apart from our target. I started to get really good at archery and really enjoyed it but I was so hungry so we went back for lunch . After play time and dinner (we had a delicious hamburger with lettuce, cheese and tomatoes with potatoes to),it was time to have a shower and brush our teeth. Flick, went the lights in our cabin it was bedtime, I hoped i’ll get a good sleep for the next day.

Everyone was so tired and exhausted but did not want to go back to school although,  Sadly we had to so we got into our car groups after a big day, we played sardines with worky talkies and did orienteering(me and Owen came first). Finally we had made it at school the trip back was very noisy in my car everyone talking about what fun they had at camp. It was home time I was exhausted and could not wait for the weekend to come. I had so much fun and can not wait for next year camp!

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